Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Applications are Worrisome Things

Grad school applications were made by the devil. Or at least by a scarred prof who had atraumatizing experience with a grad school student and decided to make all our lives a living hell.

I hate filling out applications, trying to prove myself to other people. All it does is raise doubts and concerns about yourself: am I smart enough? good enough? motivated enough? do I really want to do this for the rest of my life?

One of the worst parts is asking your former profs for reference letters. Suddenly that paper that you only did half-assed is coming back to haunt you. Well, I'll see how this goes tomorrow, I guess. That's when I'm planning to start my begging. Hey Park, I haven't had you teach me in year, but how about you deciding my future for me? Thanks. Appreciate it.

On a completely other note, my mom took my dog to the vet the other day. He hurt his leg playing frisbee the other day and had been limping since. The vet checked him out: apparently Marley plays frisbee so hard that his shoulder dislocates somewhat and swells up. That just shows how hardcore he is. The vet described him as anxious. That's the understatement of the year.

Word of the day: prognosticate. Forecast. I prognosticate that tomorrow is gonna be a not-so-fun day.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Korean Oprah

I am not a morning person.

This is what I've discovered this week while Lorne has stayed with me while my parent's are gone. He wakes up in the morning ready to get on with his day. I wake up in the morning ready to go back to bed. Or at least see how Katie Couric's day is going for a half hour. Can't start off my day without a good dose of Katie and Matt.

Yet maybe if I didn't struggle with damn insomnia I would be chipper in the morning too. Who's ready to get on with their day if they haven't slept yet? Only drug addicts and rockstars, really, and I'm not either (unless you count my crippling addiction to Oprah).

Do you think they get new episodes of Oprah in Korea? This, sadly, is a concern of mine since I've gotten this teaching job in Korea. See, I'm going to be there awhile - I could miss some very big episodes. What if Brad Pitt comes on to do a huge exclusive, explaining what happened between him and Jen and how he and Angelina are moving on? A few continents can't stop me from missing that.

On the brightside, if Oprah's in Korean, it would be good incentive for learning the language. You know, other than communicating with people and getting through daily life.

I really need to leave this town.

Word of the day: pedantic. Insisting on strict observance of rules and details in presenting knowledge. I hope I'm more pedantic than usual while processing my grad school applications.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Fisherman's Bitch

A notice to my past and future customers: I do not, and will not, respond to any kind of cat calls, pssts!, stomping, snapping, hey you's, and any other patronizing and demeaning attempts to get my attention. I see you, I hear you, but I will not answer you. Save it for your dog.

Sometimes I don't mind the waitresing thing. You do get some interesting and friendly customers ; however, far too frequently lately I have been receiving the asshole customers that make wiatressing the piss poor job that it is. Basically, right now, it's just motivation for me to go back to school.

Anyway, for some actual good times, I'm going to post a few pictures of Halloween this year that ya'll might enjoy. My costume trick worked again this year: Find a hat, work the costume around that. This year I was a sailor. Well, if we want to be specific, I was a captain. Unfortunately, my dreams of being called "Cappy" didn't come true. Oh well, there's always next year.

Lorne and I

Me and Ty (and Ty's picture face)

Lorne, Chad and Ty doing a shot

Word of the day: nascent. Coming into existence. My blog is nascent. (I'll work on my sentences).

Monday, November 07, 2005

Officially a Blogger

Well, I was going to wait to start a blog until I left to go overseas again, as my life didn't seem to be interesting enough to begin one as it is. But then I realized, hey, why not? I've got stuff to say.

So, if anyone reads this who actually doesn't know me. I live in a small town in Ontario, Canada. I graduated from university in April and now, after a summer of working in Africa, am waitressing at a restaurant called the Fisherman's Catch. I hate it. Not necessarily the work itself, but being stuck in this small town, with its many small minds, with few chances to escape. Until the other day.

Yesterday I got offered a job to teach English in Korea. I accept! So, come the beginning of January, I'm off and this will become a blog of my travels in Korea. But, for now, enjoy my inner musings of nothingness.