Lordy, this long Calgary winter is starting to get to me. I've never been a big sleeper but lately I can't seem to get enough sleep, even weekend nights I'm in bed pathetically early. Anyone know a way to get energy? I've started yoga and pilates (not nearly as fun as yoga) but I still can't seem to get my act together. Maybe once the days become longer than 6 hours I'll finally get that charge . . .
Anyhoo, nothing much to report here from the West. School's already back to being busy-central. Prof's are starting to get on us to pick a thesis topic and I'm the most clueless of the bunch. One cool thing this term is that for my one class, Communications Management, instead of writing a paper full of useless theoretical bull, we get to develop a communications plan for a business in Calgary. I'm doing one for a vintage clothing store that raises money for women in need so I'm kinda pumped about that. I think the first thing they need is a new website, this is crap:
Other than that, things are pretty quiet-as-usual, as evidenced by this boring blog entry. Lorne's been happy, he's taken the last few weeks to develop his painting skills and save his precious aquarium from its near-disaster over Christmas. Next weekend we're off to Fernie to ski with some of my school friends, which should be interesting, seeing as I haven't skied in 4 years and the last location I skied at was Chicopee in good ol' Kitchener, Ontario. I hope my pride doesn't get too scarred when all those 5 year-olds fly by me . . .
Oh, an who's paying attention to this presential bid 2008 crap? I'm all for Hilary, I find her cold and a little too calculating, but the woman's got guts - she wouldn't take any shit. I'd be all for Barack Obama, but he's got no experience. If I were him, I'd wait another 4 or 8 years and then take a stab at it, right now he's just all talk and no substance. Although, his dad was a goat herder and that's gotta count for something.