Thursday, February 05, 2009

First Stop: Bittertown

Last night I ate dinner with a couple friends and quickly realized something I've been denying for the last week: I have recently become a slightly - okay, more than slightly - bitter person.

Am I not allowed this after a break-up and the pain of moving back in with the 'rents? I think most would agree yes. The question, then, is for how long?

I say a month. There's no particular rationale for this proposed length of time, except for the fact that staying in bittertown for longer than a month seems depressing. And if I give myself that length of time, I'm nearly half-way through my narcissistic wallowing. Go me! What's next on this train ride of emotion? I hope it's 'merriment' - that sounds fun. That or alcoholism...

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Small Town, Big Dreams, Non-Existant Wallet

Wow, the name of this blog is more apropos than ever. Here I am, after two and a half years of living in Calgary back pretty much where I started out: in Dover, a student, broke, unemployed, recently single and (ugh) living with my parents.

Now, while this may sound like I could use a prescription for antidepressants (and there's days when I definately wouldn't mind a few), I'm going to try to resist the temptation of prescription drugs and/or self-medication through alcohol and far too much Oprah-viewing and use this blog to rise above and grow as a person mentally, physically, and professionally. (It must be mentioned, of course, that this project of personal growth does not preclude the use of the above tools of self-medication, just in moderation...)

This won't be easy, my present situation and surroundings do not exactly inspire. But when better to start a life-altering personal project than when your emotionally damaged with few personal or professional prospects on the horizon? Time to turn that frown upside down!

So where does this blog fit in? Well, basically it's a tool to keep me on track and in check. In other words, get me through the next few months. Here I'll write my goals, challenges, experiences, opinions on things in the news, and, in general, personal musings. So, really, there's no particular focus to this blog, just the ramblings-on of a woman having a quarter-life crisis and trying to find her way in life...

To begin, here's my first goal: Keep up writing in this blog!