Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Yup . . .

Just a pic from the ski trip we took to Fernie. This is a place where this huge rock slide happened about 100 years ago and killed an entire town. Cool eh? And sad too, of course.

Here's an oldie I found from Mike's wedding that I like just because we all look so nice. No other reason for posting it. This is, of course, before I became utterly plastered. Seems like not that long ago, but now baby #2 is on the way. Hard to believe . . .

That's about it. Just surviving the next few weeks till school is over. Got an A in one class for the term - kick ass!! Also, Lorne just brought home a crap-load of free stuff from M&M, finally some iron in the ol' diet. Ahhh, it's all about the small stuff in Calgary . . .

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Well, hello all. It has definately been awhile, yet, I still don't have much to stay. Still busting my butt in school, I've had a stressful few weeks and I've got an even more stressful month left to go. But then I'm done - yahoooooooo! I can almost taste the celebratory beer that will be drank. I can't wait. Calgary's starting to show its potential too. The last few weeks have result in a few spring-like days, reminding us that, hey, maybe it won't be so bad this summer. In fact, it should be quite nice. That's why people should come out and visit - c'mon!
Anyhoo, I'd thought I'd post some pictures up of some of Lorne's work that he's been doing over the past few months. First his artwork and then his baby, his aquarium which, if you've seen the past pictures, has definately made progress. Enjoy!

One of these things is not like the other . . . can you guess which one?

Marilyn Manson fits well with our ethnic decorations

I sleep beside this . . . nightmares anyone?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sleeping and Skiing

Lordy, this long Calgary winter is starting to get to me. I've never been a big sleeper but lately I can't seem to get enough sleep, even weekend nights I'm in bed pathetically early. Anyone know a way to get energy? I've started yoga and pilates (not nearly as fun as yoga) but I still can't seem to get my act together. Maybe once the days become longer than 6 hours I'll finally get that charge . . .

Anyhoo, nothing much to report here from the West. School's already back to being busy-central. Prof's are starting to get on us to pick a thesis topic and I'm the most clueless of the bunch. One cool thing this term is that for my one class, Communications Management, instead of writing a paper full of useless theoretical bull, we get to develop a communications plan for a business in Calgary. I'm doing one for a vintage clothing store that raises money for women in need so I'm kinda pumped about that. I think the first thing they need is a new website, this is crap:

Other than that, things are pretty quiet-as-usual, as evidenced by this boring blog entry. Lorne's been happy, he's taken the last few weeks to develop his painting skills and save his precious aquarium from its near-disaster over Christmas. Next weekend we're off to Fernie to ski with some of my school friends, which should be interesting, seeing as I haven't skied in 4 years and the last location I skied at was Chicopee in good ol' Kitchener, Ontario. I hope my pride doesn't get too scarred when all those 5 year-olds fly by me . . .

Oh, an who's paying attention to this presential bid 2008 crap? I'm all for Hilary, I find her cold and a little too calculating, but the woman's got guts - she wouldn't take any shit. I'd be all for Barack Obama, but he's got no experience. If I were him, I'd wait another 4 or 8 years and then take a stab at it, right now he's just all talk and no substance. Although, his dad was a goat herder and that's gotta count for something.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

2007, here we go

Well, back to the grind. Just finished my first week back at school. 9-5 class + homework for 5 days in a row ain't fun. But I survived, now one class is done only 2 more to go.

Had a great 2 weeks back home - lots of drinking and, perhaps, a bit too much Norfolk. It was awesome to have Erin and Kevin back. The only person missing was a certain person in Saskatchewan. But we'll let that go . . . Shout-out to Sinkowski and Mitchell for throwing a kick-ass New Year's party! I'm waaaay too tired right now to write more so you'll just have to do with some par-tay picks. They speak for themselves. If I look drunk, it's just because I was.