Ola! (Isn't that a much nicer way to say hello than annyong hasseyo?)
Well, Dad's been here for a week now. I feel bad that I haven't been able to spend as much time with him doing all the touristy stuff, but he's been finding his way around. Friday night we headed on a 4 hour bus ride (that I thought was going to be 2 hours), to Seoraksan National Park. They're were ups (including a 500 metre hike to the top of a mountain, so way, way up), and downs (the cable car to the top of the mountain being unavailable because of strong winds). It a strenuous 2hour hike up, with dad and I both saying "kill me now" about halfway through, but the views at the top were awesome. They were right, however, in shutting down the cable car since when we got to the top, I had to grab something to keep me from going over.
Since then he's become a pro at Seoul's subway system - travelling to a war museum and Itaewan. Yesterday he took yet another bus trip up to the Demilitarized Zone. So, basically, all the war stuff you could do in Korea. Plus, of course, buying me dinner every night. Sweet! My apartment, or what most people would call a "room", is getting a bit cramped, but we're makin' do. My only worry is that I'm going to feel a hell of a lot more homesick when he leaves. But I'll make do with that too :-)

So here's a picture of the rock we climbed up to. Called Ulsanbawi Rock.

View from the rock
A not-so-flattering picture of me taking shelter
Dad taking a rest, soaking in the fact that he's in Korea at the top of a mountain. Who would've thunk it? Even 2 weeks ago
Another view from a different hike we did to a waterfall that day.
While we're sittin' there, relaxing our tired legs, this dude comes down with a frickin' cooler on his back. There's a motivator to get your ass in gear.
Our hotel, appropriately named "The Ship Hotel". Tacky, true, but it had the softest beds in the world. Though, I've basically been sleeping on a board for 3 months, so a sheet on the floor would probably feel soft to me at this point.
So, since I'm doing the photo thang, here's a few pics more from random occurences here in Korea. The first is from the field trip we did with the preschoolers.
The next group of pics is from the day trip Karen and I took with our adventure club to a (frozen) waterfall. Good day!
The moped gang of Korea - maybe I should've invited them to Dover?
Me in front of the waterfall, not too much of a view.

No comment. I doubt you get it either.
Me, Karen and Kevin in front of a convenience store having a few beers. As Alan Jackson said, it's 5 o'clock somewhere right?