Remember the show "Empty Nest"? I'm totally watching that right now. It's bringing memories of nights spent at my Grammas back in the day. Blast from the past . . .
Anyway, last week was the pits for various reasons, but this week is off to a somewhat better start. Today was Teacher's Day at school - a holiday that I now firmly believe should be implemented in Canada. Basically, the kids and parent's say thanks by buying you presents. Ashley and I scored the most today. I got lots of lotions and washes (including way too expensive Lancombe face stuff that I can't use because it's to whiten your skin), 2 watches, lots of scarves, and enough flowers to make my desk at work look like a small-scale flower shop.

I got lots of cards like these - how cute is that? This one was the sweetest, though
Anyway, in my last blog account I wanted to give more details about my trip to Busan on the South coast. We went there for a beach holiday, and we got one decent day in but on Saturday it torrential rained - a glimpse of monsoon season. The first night we stayed at love hotel named "Drama" that you had the option to rent out for the hour - yeah, sketchy. There were four of us gals in the room, so not a lot of privacy in the first place. But the bathroom didn't help - the wall between the room and the bathroom was only frosted glass. Well, mostly frosted glass, there were some definate just glass parts. So we definately got to know one another closely that weekend!
The next night we went and stayed at Karen's Korean friend, Sayhee. Her, her sister, and her sister's friend took us out for drinks and what they described as a "Korean delicacy" for dinner. It just showed how differently what we consider a delicacy to be. Apparently their idea of it is live octapus, 'cause that's what showed up at our table, among other raw fish and other undefinable sea creatures (some of which also seemed to be moving). But I did suck it up and try all of it.
The live octapus was definately the hardest to work up the courage to eat. First of all, it was hard to pick up with chop sticks because it was swirming and the tentacles kept sticking to the plate. Plus, when you put it in your mouth you had to chew like crazy because it kept moving and sticking to your teeth. And, as they told us later, people have died from eating it because they didn't chew enough and the tentacles stuck to their throats. Needless to say, it was a definate experience. Not the most delicious thing I've ever ate, but definately the most fresh! I have video of it that I'll send along to some of you.
So no post would be complete without some pictures - so here's a few. Hope you enjoy! And I'd love to hear comments at the bottom from any of you who have stuck with me and are still reading this thing. I have no idea how many people are or if I'm just writing this for my mom and dad these days! So please let me know!
Chilling on the beach. Unfortunately, not bikini weather.
Well its Ladies Night and the feeling's right . . . you know the rest. Or maybe not . . .
hey al! - we are looking forward to seeing you this july!
and i saw this csi once (i actually hate the show) where the chick died from eating a live octopus because she didn't chew enough! not quite real life, but close enough.
Hey Al, I've been trying to read your blog regularly, but with no internet, that proved to be difficult. I have it now and couldn't figure out what "Wandering Aimlessly" was on my favourites. Oh right, it's you. Anyway, always get a chuckle from your blog. I'll be happy to see you when you get home.
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