I have no excuse for not updating over the last 2 months, just that I was in my usual summer haze where few things take higher priority than beachin' it and hanging out. So, basically, laziness.
But now it's time to pack away the bathing suit (oh, the horror) and pull out the binders and pens (oh, again, the horror). Grad school has begun. But forget the Loo - it's all Calgary these days.
Lorne and I took six days to get out here, giving the car lots of TLC. I think we did it well - we were still talking to each other when we got out here - especially considering we camped most nights. A nice break was stopping in to stay with Mike and Adrienne and the cutest baby ever, Matthew.
Look familiar to anyone?
Anyway, the last 3 weeks have gone by kinda slowly. The running around to get our apartment in order has completely exhausted us both. I actually despise IKEA right now - I didn't even think that was possible.
Other than that, life is slowly coming together. Lone's starting job #2 (we won't bring up job #1) and so far it seems good and I've finished my first 2 weeks of my master's program (communication and culture, for those of you who weren't sure).
What can I say about grad school . . . it's basically how much can you read without lighting fire to all your books in the heat frustration. It also entails feeling like an idiot 98% of the time and using as many large words as possible. But we can't all be a human thesaurus.
Well, I'm going to update later this week - Janet Jackson's on Oprah (yeah, yeah, I should be reading). Here's some pics of the new "cozy "place and, of course, Lorne's new baby - the aquarium. We're going to get a fish tonight - yeah!

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