Hello everyone and welcome to Calgary! Today's high is -25 degrees without the windchill. Don't forget your mittens!
Yeah, and the 12 other layers you'll need to prevent body parts from freezing off.
Good lord, why did I choose to move to Calgary again? Why didn't I just do my M.A. in Australia - $32,000 dollars of debt for 8 months of school isn't that bad, right? Better than freezing my butt off.
I can't complain as much as Lorne, who's been building houses in this frozen wasteland. Needless to say, he ain't to impressed with Calgary right now . . . However, the guy does get to spend a month at home starting next Saturday. Sooo jealous. He's leaving me here alone with my laptop and mounds of papers to write. I'm going to need serious human interaction after those 2 weeks. So please, if you love your friend Al, please give her a call between the weeks of Dec 2nd - Dec 15th. She'll need it . . . I'm going to be having full blown conversations with the cat and T.V. by the end of the first week.
Here's a real "Allison" moment: Lorne's been saying how much he misses his mom's baking, so I decided to be a good girlfriend and bake some cookies for him. Baking, of course, meaning scooping the pillsbury pre-made cookie dough from the tube and putting it on the baking sheet. Anyway, would you believe it (and I think you can), I completely burnt them! Good lord, I do not belong in the kitchen. Lorne managed to say "thanks for the effort" in between bouts of laughter. See if I bake for him again . . . which I think he'll be to disappointed to hear.
Anyhoo, Lorne and I had a lovely weekend a few weeks ago visiting his seriously hooked-up friend Teenz in Panorama mountain, just inside the B.C. border. The guy has an awesome apartment overlooking the mountains - so gorgeous. Just what we needed - a calm weekend away from Calgary, school and work. Just chilling out, watching movies, having some drinks, and playing some serious games of Sorry! That game rocks.
Here's some pics . . .
Here's some pics . . .
They've been out west too long . . .

Nice eh?
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