Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Survey this!

Oh man, we talked about surveys today in my research methods class and I quickly felt my blood pressure begin to rise. Suddenly I went back to Korea where at least twice a day the Christ Crusade hunted me down to ask me about God and Jesus and whatnot. I mean, Jesus, leave me alone. (you hearing me on this one, Korea peeps?)

One of the questions would be, for example, "do you believe in God? Circle 5 for strongly agree, 1 for strongly disagree". You want me to rank my entire belief system in a scale of 1 to 5 with no room for interpretation, personal spirituality, and whatnot. How about I circle a 5 for I strongly believe that this is the stupidest question ever.

The nerve.

Anyhoo, I didn't want to bring this up in class in case, you know, I sounded like an idiot or offended someone. So I vent to you, blogger.

More venting to come . . .


Anonymous said...

Those crazy Koreans. Not as bad as the folks in Buffalo, though. The men redefine the word 'shady dealings' and the average woman tips the scales at a whopping 200 pounderuskies.

Allison said...

I can believe it. Hey, I'm still curious about that funny story you were going to tell me on MSN the other day.