Thursday, November 09, 2006

Shock and Awe

Wow, isn't it fun watching the Republican party implode? Finally they're getting what they deserve after taking their country into what could be the most disastrous war ever - definately even with or possibly surpassing Vietnam. That's right Rumsfeld, bow down buddy. Wait, bow down further so we can all get a better shot at kicking you in the ass.

Speaking about war and whatnot, I just watched a documentary in my class that seriously rocked my socks. It was basically about media representation of the war and how the government has controlled it. First off, it pointed out that we have absolutely no perspective of actual Iraqis, beside those which the media construes for us. Really, how many of us are actually aware of how many Iraqi civilians have been killed since the war began? A report by a watchdog group recently reported it could be over 100,000. How come this isn't well-known and reported by the media?

Why? Because the media is controlled by the government. For instance, remember that whole pulling down the statue of Saddam a few years ago? Where we all saw Iraqis jumping and dancing for joy and then this footage was subsequently replayed over and over again by the media? Well, turns out this was all orchestrated by the armed forces. They took a few tanks into the square, turned up a speaker really loud to tell civilians and reports to come out, and proceeded to pull down the statue. It wasn't begun by the Iraqis as Bush would like you to believe. Then, when you look at the actually footage, you realize that there were only literally, like, 30 Iraqis there - and half of them were kinda pissed. The rest of the "crowd" was journalists.

I don't know, maybe this doesn't sound as shocking to you as it did to me, maybe due to the terrible quality of my writing, but I walked out of that class "shocked and awed" (haha). It also had to do with the very graphic photage of dead Iraqis (including children and babies) - definately stuff you don't see on the evening news, because they refuse to air it.

Damn, I've lost my faith in Katie Couric - I thought that was impossible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Al. I'd argue that the Napoleonic invasion of Russia was the most disastrous ever......but aside from me being a smartass, I agree with you. It's nice to see that the American public is finally waking up and not being scared into voting republican anymore. Will much change? probably not. But it's a step in the right direction